Buy cost-effectively and manufacture cheaper!

Our company helps enterprises and companies with concrete ideas to realize the production plans of their own new or existing product time- and cost-effectively, based on the experience of the customer and our company, by commissioning a new production line into service or modernizing an existing production line.


Learn more about upcoming events

Save time and energy by visiting a large-scale trade show with us and choose from hundreds of manufacturers.


Say NO to plastic

In many countries and regions, recycling and accumulation of plastic is a problem. Be among the first to apply the solution that is simpler than you think. Produce from environmentally friendly materials or utilize used plastic.


Povedali o nás

„I contacted them by a friend's recommendation, and although I did not travel to China for factory equipment, but in relation to the manufacturing of a self-developed electronic device, they accepted my request and helped me in every way. I was testing the prototype in six weeks.”

John Sony

„I met one of their agents, Thomas, at random, at a trade show on automotive parts production, who came to my assistance two days later, on completion of his ongoing work. The two-week business trip was reduced to eight days through effective communication with Thomas's help. For four days from the remaining six, I could feel myself as a bona fide tourist, accompanied by Thomas while roaming through beautiful landscapes.”

Nagy Imre Zsolt
Rusdetal Kft

„“在从最初的商务旅行到工厂交付的近三年的项目中,他们为解决新出现的问题提供了持续的帮助,甚至帮助我们购买了施工期间所需的其他产品,为我们节省了大量的成本、 时间和精力。 我还全权委托他们咨询一个刚刚开始的项目,到目前为止一切都进展顺利。 我只能推荐它们!“”

Mikus Ladislav